
Hi, I went on the Audubon Bird Walk today will Bill Carrol. Here is a partial list of the birds I saw. It doesn't include herons and ibis and stuff you see all the time here. Carolina wren Blue gray gnatcatcher  Swamp sparrow  Ruby crown kinglet- feathers  House wren Red bellied woodpecker  Yellow rump warbler Sora  Redwing black bird Tree swallow  American bittern  Wilson snipe Swamp sparrow  Lesser yellow legs  Least sandpipers  Dowitchers

Brown Hoplo

A visitor found this skeleton at Sweetwater Wetlands Park. It is a non-native catfish called Brown Hoplo .  She said she had seen Cormorants and Anhinga eating them. I was concerned about that, but apparently it doesn't cause a problem for birds. It is more of a problem for other fish that it competes with for benthic invertebrates .  It seems to have been introduced intentionally in the 1990's, probably because it is popular in Caribbean dishes. It is so bony and small (no longer than 10 inches) I do not know what part of it you eat .